Midwest Equipment Sales Centralizes Orders on the SmartEquip Network to Build Brand Awareness and Business Relationships
Midwest Equipment Sales
Representative: Eric Hartzler, Vice President of Tracks & Tires Division
Company Type: Dealer
Industry: Skid steer tires, wheels, rubber tracks, and undercarriage parts.
Region: North America
Customer Since: 2016
SmartEquip Solution:
How does Midwest Equipment Sales leverage SmartEquip?
MWE uses enhanced catalog to solidify and grow existing relationships with fleets that are members of the SmartEquip network. Being a preferred vendor for these companies has improved our overall reach and has provided us with the data necessary to make strategic decisions to benefit the organizations we serve.
How has SmartEquip improved Midwest Equipment Sales's brand awareness to equipment owners on the SmartEquip Network?
Partnering with a leading provider in the digital marketplace has helped MWE improve brand awareness significantly, especially the TNT product line. We have been able to quickly gain traction with large rental houses, increasing the notoriety of the brands we carry throughout the country.
How has SmartEquip impacted parts and/ or whole goods orders through the network?
The platform allows fleets to quickly identify in-stock products through the enhanced catalog, which has boosted revenue on applicable products significantly.
As a network partner, what does Midwest Equipment Sales consider to be the single most beneficial feature of SmartEquip for your customers?
SmartEquip centralizes ordering for these companies, which creates product consistency and less confusion on where to acquire replacement parts. Since fleets are often selective about who is added as a preferred vendor, service managers can rest assured that they are receiving quality products.
Revolutionizing repair shops one part at a time.
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